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Plan of Action of the Euro-Mediterranean civil society to prevent all forms of violent extremism.

The Barcelona Declaration has been possible thanks to the efforts of 172 Euro-Mediterranean NGO’s who participated in the writing, debate and first adoption of the declaration. After that, other organisations have been joining the platform. If you think that your Organization shares the values and actions of our Plan of Action you can join us and work together. Check the list of members of the OPEV and organizations who participated in the definition of the Barcelona Declaration.


OPEV members and organizations consulted for writing our Plan of Action:

Join us

A positive contribution of the Euro-Mediterranean civil society will be possible with a robust response from all the organisations of the region committed for the prevention of violent extremism. To foster this approach, an inclusive approach has been created after the Barcelona Conference “Towards a new paradigm: preventing violent extremism”: the creation of a civil society platform.

Join this platform means to adhere on an inclusive structure where, under the principles of the Plan of Action of the Euro-Mediterranean civil society, all efforts to work on the prevention of violent extremism will be welcomed and supported.

If you are an organisation who aims to contribute to this challenging effort, please fill the following form:

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